967 spots left
To qualify for our Empowerment Sponsorship Program, you must submit your tool for listing on the Empower.ad website with a monthly or yearly subscription. The amount of ad credit distributed may vary based on your subscription type. For a monthly subscription, tool owners will receive a maximum of $3,000 in ad credits, while those with a yearly subscription will receive $9,000 for our long-term ad campaigns, based on the remaining listing time of their tool.
We (Empower Ad) will send details and reports of the campaign running for your tools to your email. If you would like to improve the campaign ads and how they are displayed to users, feel free to reply to our email and provide details on the improvements, such as keywords, tags, headlines, and more.
1. Subscription to at least one of our available plans (monthly or yearly).
2. Your tool is functional.
3. It delivers what it promises.
4. It is not an infoproduct.