Excel stock solution
Invest smarter with MarketXLS Excel Solution
Stream Live Stock Data or Refresh on Demand
Get Live Streaming Quotes, historical quotes, fundamentals with more than 1000 Excel custom functions
Real-time Stock Options Prices
Track your option trades real-time in Excel with quality data. Get streaming option chains in your Excel.
Options Filtering and Scanning
Dig through thousands of option contracts with ease and find the ones that meet your criteria with easy to use functions.
Track, Manage and Optimize your Portfolios
Dig through thousands of option contracts with ease and find the ones that meet your criteria with easy to use functions.
Historical Stocks and historical Options data in your Excel
Get multiple ways to get historical data in your Excel. Use functions to go back to a specefic date in past or download time series data with a few clicks.
Perform Technical Analysis like Pros
More than 100 technical indicators such as Bollinger bands, Moving averages, stochastics, MACD, etc.
Stocks and Option Prices in Google Sheets
Do not use Windows? No problem, use our Google Sheets plugin on the web to get Live prices and data on the web.
Utilities, templates and models
Pre-made stock lists, symbol lookup, industry and sector classifications, Twitter integration, valuation models and more
Amazing Charts
Beautiful looking charts in your Excel that integrate with your Excel data sets
Crypto Data in Excel
Get crypto data from 17 exchanges and 1,200 crypto symbols
Screen Stocks
Screen stocks in Excel by hundreds of custom parameters, values, key ratios, prices, and fundamentals.
Global Coverage with Add-ons
Buy additional data bundles for Futures, European Stocks and International markets.